Our Policy

Reminder, all candidates taking firearms training will be required to provide proof of their Restricted/Possession and Acquisition Licence (R/PAL) prior to attendance to the course. A copy of their R/PAL (front and back) will need to be emailed to HRTandD@gmail.com when registering.

While present at the range (live or otherwise), candidates will follow all posted club rules and will follow all instructions from the Range Safety Officer (RSO) and or Line Officers (LO). In the unlikely event that a candidate fails to comply with instructions and or demonstrates they may be a risk to themselves or others, he or she may be removed from the course. Respect will always be afforded to all candidates and instructors.

Candidates must notify HRT+D via email 48 hours in advance of the scheduled course of any cancellation of their attendance. Candidates will be refunded their payment in a timely manner following any cancelation either by candidates or HRT+D if done so within the 48 hours. HRT+D reserves the right to cancel a course 24 hours in advance if the group is reduced to under eight candidates. HRT+D will make every effort to, if possible, combine courses in order to reduce the risk of course cancellations. If payment is not received 48hours in advance of the course date, you will be excluded from participating in the course.

For clients to qualify for any of the outlined courses, they must be physically capable of engaging in the identified training activities and able to supply requirements. In rare incidents, HRT+D may be able to assist with firearms and equipment requirements, however this will be on a case per case basis. HRT+D reserves the right to vet clients in terms of their possible participation in course activities or the delivery of developmental/review services.

Costs associated to any required travel outside of the Ottawa area and per diems while in travel status for instructors are not included in the outlined course prices. These costs would be above and beyond the per candidate costs. The per diem costs would be divided amongst candidates for those ranges outside of a “driveable distance” (i.e. less then 50 kms from Ottawa). For those destinations requiring travel a day before and after the course, airfare, accommodations, and or vehicle rental, these would be extra costs beyond the per diem instructor costs while in travel status.

Candidates are reminded they must comply with all applicable legislation related to firearms transportation, storage, ATTs (if applicable for your Province), etc. Candidates will be emailed an acknowledgement of their registration and will be forwarded joining instructions once a date, time and location for the training has been established, along with instructions on payment.

HRT+D takes the privacy of its client’s information seriously and has safeguards in place to protect this information. Information would only be released if a lawful request is made from law enforcement.

Some of the developmental processes and training may be delivered in various formats, from power point presentations to tabletop directed learning to simulated/dry fire to actual live fire venues and or a combination of some or all of these elements. Methods of delivery can be discussed directly with HRT+D. There is a baseline standard HRT+D must maintain with some of these services, however HRT+D will work with customers to meet their needs. Private sessions related to firearms training are available. Costing associated to private lessons should be discussed with HRT+D directly. The availability of HRT+D’s services is dependent on client requirements and HRT+D’s resourcing pressures/availability at the time of the service requests.