
About the Founder and Owner of Hawthorne Research, Training & Development


Over 36 plus years of experience in Canadian law enforcement (investigation, emergency response, policy and training development, and security/protective services) at the provincial, national, and international levels including 14 years at the executive level.


Over 30 years of extensive experience in tactical operations, planning and training with Emergency Response Teams (ERT) across Canada in various capacities (Assaulter, Sniper, Team Leader, Counter Assault Team Leader, Sniper Team Leader), ERT Commander, Critical Incident Commander, ERT Silver Commander, Air Incident Commander, and Officer in Charge of the National Critical Incident Program responsible for Emergency Response Teams, Emergency Medical Response Teams, Critical Incident Commanders, Negotiators, Public Order Teams, Chemical, Nuclear Biological and Radial First Responder program, and Emergency Management (Emergency Exercises, Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Planning) Section.


Over 20 years of experience as an instructor and instructor trainer in various use of force areas including but not limited to Patrol Carbine, Conducted Energy Weapon, Chemical Weapons, Divisional Use of Force, Firearms, Less Lethal Launcher, etc.


Extensive experience in protective policing/personal security as follows; Bodyguard, Site Security, Motorcade driver, Personal Security Officer, Officer in Charge of Operations for the Prime Minister’s Protective Detail, Visit Operations Officer, and Security Liaison Officer.


Years of operational/non-operational policy and training development experience at the NCO and Commissioned Officer levels.


Approximately 18 years of uniform front-line policing in urban, rural, limited duration and isolated posts in harsh, high risk, and hazardous environments in Canada.


Specialized investigative experience and command roles including Homicide Unit, Armed Robbery Squad, Property/Drugs Unit, Special Projects Unit, Senior Investigator, 2 I/C Detachment Commander and Detachment Commander.


Substantial experience partnering with international, federal, provincial and local governments, as well as national and international law enforcement/security agencies.

About the HRT&D Team

HRT+D’s team consists of retired and active serving law enforcement officers and military personnel with decades of law enforcement/military experience and training, both in operational and administrative roles, primarily in the areas of Emergency Response Team/Tactical operations and Use of Force/Firearms Instruction. Each team member with HRT+D have speciality areas of expertise which assist with adapting to our clients’ needs.